My life is in a completely different place than I ever thought that it would be and that's what I love about it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Open Window

Last night I slept with my window open for the first time ever at my house in FL. Thinking back there have been several nights where it would have been lovely to sleep with it know when there is that perfect balance between chill and warmth in the air, but I still never did it. In the past the whole idea of sleeping with the window open kind of freaked me out even though I have always slept on the 2nd floor of wherever I have lived. Every girl can turn any situation into a man somehow kidnapping her in her mind. But then I moved to Italy. Looking back there was barely a night that I didn't sleep with the window open if the weather permitted. It's not because there were less creepy men because they had more than their fair share. It just felt right most of the time. This all sounds very romantic and I'm sure you expect a "coming into myself while living in a foreign country" story (warning: this may happen), but in all honesty I probably did this because we didn't have air conditioning and I was desperate for air in any form that it came in.

The moral of this story is that it was really refreshing. I felt very clean and fresh when I woke up this morning. So the question is why haven't I always done this? In Italy I started doing it because I assumed that's what people did and it seemed appropriate for the situation. I believe this is the downfall of me living in Ocala...I just do what I've always done and this puts me in a rut. There are too many expectations and presumptions that just exist in the air here. This isn't anyone's fault it's just the result of living where you grew up. Living in a new place forced me to do new things constantly and to morph into a revised version of myself, which was refreshing. I would like to be like that again. To turn to old world things (i.e. open windows, taking walks, cooking from scratch) that I enjoyed so much that I have already forgotten so much of now that I live in the land of the fast and furious.

So, tonight maybe I'll sleep with my window open...and maybe I won't.


Blogger Kat said...

totally agree...

things that I made a part of my life in Italy that were NORMAL were just abandoned when I came back to FL just cuz "that's the way we've always done it" to that...

8:12 PM

Blogger Kat said...

Hey you, I got a kick out of this post just now....hope everything is fine!

12:29 AM


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